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Problems with water and ants.

We have experienced a major disappointment last week and now. After weeks of hard work by our team bringing hundreds of wheelbarrows of sand from the beach to the ground to raise the ICT building to remove the groundwater, the following happens: The storm season is going on in these months and because of that the water in the lake is still too high and therefore in combination with the storm that causes high waves and a lot of pressure on the banks, all the groundwater that is still too high is pushed up further. The result is that there is now as much water around the ICT building as before, which really makes you despondent, you can't fight nature!

The second thing that this is caused by all the high groundwater is now an invasion of trillions of ants that all come out of the ground and are everywhere, in and around our house, CBO office and therefore also the ICT building. Besides being a huge nuisance, they also destroy everything, bite through everything and the worst thing is that they crawl into the sockets and wiring and gnaw everything to pieces. They call these Carpenter Ants that burrow into insulation and electrical wiring. Despite spraying poison, they keep coming back because there are just too many of them and they make nests that erupt everywhere. So we emptied the ICT building again to secure the desktops to prevent them from breaking. We will of course try to find a solution again, probably in the near future by creating a raised stone path to and around the building and try to no longer have the power lines underground but on poles. At this moment we can say: It has literally and figuratively fallen into disarray. As an update for you, but we will also find a solution for this.